This system is a fixed fast brace system able to straighten teeth in 4 to 6 months. We are happy to offer the innovative Cfast treatment to patients looking for fast, effective teeth straightening. Cfast is an advanced fixed brace treatment that uses discreet tooth-coloured wires and brackets to move crooked, crowded and gapped teeth into alignment. Cfast braces are ideal for a number of different orthodontic conditions. However, to ensure we find the best brace treatment for you we will carry out a thorough analysis of your teeth before a decision is made. Like many other cosmetic orthodontic treatments, Cfast works on the 6 teeth at the front of the mouth visible when you smile. By paying particular attention to these teeth there is no need to realign the whole mouth. This could otherwise require years of orthodontic treatment and potential tooth extractions. Most cases are completed in 4-6 months.
The main advantages of this system is that we have more control of the tooth movements as opposed to clear aligners, and most cases are completed in a relatively short time. The disadvantages are that they are not as discrete as clear aligners and meticulous oral hygiene needs to be maintained during treatment as they are not removable.
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